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For the Better Podcast: The secret to future-proofing your website

Summary: In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, innovation and adaptability are key components for success. Continuously evolving is key to staying competitive. In this episode of For the Better, Ben sits down with Stephen Barry, Product Manager at Lee Health to talk about how continuous improvement has made a measurable impact.

When Stephen Barry joined Lee Health, the system had just launched a new website. It was up to him to identify ways to keep evolving it into a consumer-friendly digital experience that drove key strategic initiatives. He was able to use his unique perspective as a product manager to do just that.

Why it matters

  • Continuously identifying areas for improvement and building them into your digital roadmap keeps your website ahead of the curve without expensive overhauls

  • Product managers are the conduit between the technology and the user. Having a product manager lead the charge for continuous improvement ensures that the end result meets actual user needs. 

  • Aligning user data with strategic initiatives allows teams to focus on making continuous improvement on the areas that will provide highest ROI

The expert insight

Product managers are uniquely suited to shepherd continuous improvement of websites because of their blend of design, development, and analytics expertise. In evolving Lee Health’s website, there are several lessons to be learned for marketers facing similar challenges to achieve success.

Tips for continuous improvement

  •  Focus on achievable goals: Don’t try to do too much at once. Break down projects for steady progress & maximum impact.

  • Build for the future: When possible, start with a scalable website foundation that is built to accommodate future-focused tech and be adaptable to new design elements.

  • Find efficiencies: Streamlining processes for your team is an oft-overlooked KPI. If your digital roadmap includes tech or workflows that eliminate administrative tasks for your team (like manually updating doctor listings) that means you can invest the time into something that can drive revenue

  • Embrace new tech: Stay informed about trends, new advancements, and the roadmaps of the tech you’re currently using to plan in advance and keep an edge.

Listen to the podcast and learn more

To hear more from Aaron, and dive deeper into what digital transformation can mean for health systems on both sides of care, listen to the podcast.

Listen to the episode: The secret to future-proofing your website