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For the Better Podcast: How responsive fundraising can maximize your impact with Gabe Cooper

Summary: In this episode of For the Better, Ben digs into the human side of fundraising with Virtuous founder and CEO, Gabe Cooper

Traditional approaches to nonprofit fundraising technology do not take into account the human element and the importance of developing a personal connection with donors. Virtuous, a human-centered donation platform, challenges that status quo.

Why it matters

  • Most nonprofit struggle with integrating new technology into their giving strategy and are hamstringed by platforms that don't emphasize the human connection

  • Donors are also consumers and expect the same personalized experiences that are offered by major retailers and other tech platforms

  • The pandemic had a global effect on how and why people give, and nonprofits of all sizes must respond to that to be successful

Innovation is about starting small and failing fast

Discussing the inherent issues within the nonprofit sector, Gabe strongly believes in the potential of innovation. For many nonprofits, shifting towards a more dynamic, personalized approach can seem daunting. However, Gabe encourages organizations to embrace change and engage in small-scale experiments that could gradually transform their operations. All followed by a culture of celebrating failures as an integral part of innovation.

The expert insight

Gabe, with a background in software development, advocates for innovation in nonprofits, encouraging organizations to embrace change through small-scale experiments and celebrating failures as part of the transformative process.

Breaking from traditional frameworks

Discussing the inherent issues within the nonprofit sector, Gabe advocates for innovation. This shift can seem daunting for many nonprofits, yet it's essential to evolve to meet the needs and resonate with donors.

Building a successful business while doing good

Gabe's vision for creating "net new generosity" offers a unique perspective on how businesses can motivate society towards a more empathetic, generous future. It's about fostering relationships, embracing change, and maintaining a sense of purpose and mission that truly resonates with employees and donors alike.

Between the lines

  • The pandemic had an effect on how people give, as well as how Virtuous approached their business: by reassessing practices and fostering intentional culture, leading to growth and innovation.

  • These insights underscore the impact of technology, innovation, and human-centric values on nonprofits, offering a unique perspective on motivating society towards a more empathetic, generous future.

  • Businesses that adopt a philosophy of using their business for good will naturally be more successful, as consumer and B2B attitudes shift

Listen to the podcast and learn more

To learn more about Gabe and how Virtuous has evolved, grown, and is meeting the needs of donors, listen to the podcast on your favorite streaming service.

Listen to the episode: How responsive fundraising can maximize your impact

Learn more about Virtuous and how they're redefining online giving.